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tv   Glenn Beck  FOX News  September 10, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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that, it's about you, about us, about being safe, about being free, it's about being americans. americans. >> they're mocking the civil rights movement. everything, everything now is the civil rights movement. >> i believe health care is a civil right. >> the parallels between the struggle for civil rights and the fight to make quality affordable health care accessible to all americans are significant. >> this is from the first century. >> this is a civil right act. >> we are going to restore the history, the true history of the heroes of the civil rights because it's being distorted and used right now.
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>> hello america, welcome to the glenn beck program, i'm judge andrew napolitano in for glenn on the final day of 0 your special week, a crash course in beck. monday, we brought you how america is being transformed economically. tuesday, how radical surrounding the president or helping him transform this country. wednesday, you learned about the history that is being erased from our children's textbooks. yesterday, we went over the white house and the progressive agenda to control the message and to control our free speech. and that brings us to today, the fifth and final installment, a special hour on civil rights and the rights of man. tonight, we flew in a special guest to join us for this. you may know her, she's become a close friend of glenn and of this program, dr. alvita king. alvita, it's so nice that you're here with us. >> thank you, judge. my grandfather, dr. martin
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luther king, sr. always said make it plain and i wanted to thank you for bringing clarity to all of the subjects and great to join you. >> it's a pleasure to work with you, alvita. the pastor of associated priests for life and the niece of dr. martin luther king, jr. her father, ad king, was martin luther king's brother and a crucial contributor to the civil rights movement in his own right. if you were at the restoring honor rally on 8:28 in our nation's capital or saw some of the coverage you might have seen her standing alongside glenn to help us take our country back. we'll show you some of the footage of dr. king from that spectacular day a little later. also, later, we're going to have dr. king read a nonviolence pledge written by her uncle, that can certainly still be used to combat much of the conflict we're facing today. but first, let's get going with this final crash course. as you know, one of glenn's key goals this past year has been to restore history and that includes restoring the
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true history of the civil rights movement. >> scratching the surface of the civil rights movement, what is it? what was it? what is it really all about? versus what progressives and radicals now want you to think it was all about. individual rights. individual rights. you have a right to be free. you have a-- a right to live your life, you have a right to not be harassed. you have a right to your, your life and your liberty and your pursuant of happiness. that's what this country has always been about, but it is always been flawed. and we've never quite achieved it. before we start going backwards, let's, let's take a look at it again, what we're striving for. let me show you how the movement in the 1960's has been perverted and distorted. we've got folks now like the reverend al sharpton telling people that martin luther
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king's dream was really about redistribution of wealth. here-- >> said to me the other day, reverend sharpton, we've achieved a dream of dr. king and i told them that was not dr. king's dream. a great man working with the president and supported the president. but the dream was not to put one black family in the white house. the dream was to make everybody equal in everybody's house. >> glenn: i don't remember that. really? we also have the naacp now telling everyone that king was a socialist. he said the naacp came out, i don't know, six months ago, saying that we wouldn't be celebrating martin luther king day if we really knew who he was. wait a minute, hang on just a second. help clear this up. listen closely to what the chairman of the naacp recently
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said. >> we don't remember the king who was the critic of capitalism, who said to charles fayger in jail together in selma in 1965 that he thought socialism would be the best system for the united states. we don't remember the martin luther king who talked ceaselessly about taking care of the masses and not just the top of the ladder and we've an anesthetized him and maybe he's so celebrated today because we celebrate a different kind of man than really existed, but he was a bit more radical. not terribly, terribly radical, but a bit more radical than we make him out to be today. >> glenn: is that true? is he a socialist, was he a communist? who was the guy. now we have king started to be painted as a radical. you know what, king was a radical, just as jesus was a
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radical. now, we have sciu, andy stern, andy stern doesn't think that martin luther king, the civil rights legend, really was the one that really helped create real change. in 2004, he told "the washington post," quote, pressure is needed to bring about real change. it was not enough to have martin luther king, jr., you needed stokley carmichael. okay, so he's saying now that martin luther king couldn't have accomplished what he did without people like stokley carmichael, who is the honorary prime minister of the black panther party. so we have the black panthers being really responsible for real change. they got it done says andy stern because of civil unrest. carmichael was known for coining the term black power. so certain things you need civil unrest to meet demands. i don't know when man decided
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that they could pit each other against each other to rule. it's wrong when any class, it is wrong when any color does it. martin luther king tried to get people to unite. isn't that what we should be striving for? what do we unite on? we don't unite on color of skin because it's meaningless. we unite on character. it is our responsibility to protect the rights granted by god, that's quite frankly the founders fought for. did they screw it up. did they have it right? no. has any man ever had it right? it's the-- it's the same rights that abraham lincoln and blacks and whites fought for in the civil war. those are the same rights that king fought for. >> dr. king, he appeared on that show following the monologue we just saw, we just heard glenn talk about the
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twisted interpretation of the civil rights movement by some people. was it your uncle's dream to redistribute wealth in this country? >> well, actually my uncle's dream, and i knew it so very clearly because i heard so many of his sermons and grew up in the same family where he was, but redistribution is almost-- it goes over to greed and selfishness with those who can have the most, you know, having the resources to do it, but my uncle's dream and vision for all americans was, you know, life, liberty and the pursuant of happiness. everyone having a comfortable place to live, enough food to eat, the ability to care for their children. so that redistribution of wealth is just another whole different concept and even all the battles that he fought on behalf of all people. >> was the civil rights movies of the 60's really just about race or do you agree with glenn, that it was about the human race? >> i so truly agree with glenn and my uncle talked about the
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american dream and everybody getting along as brothers and sisters. in order to be brothers and sisters, you can't be a part of separate races, there's no black race, white race, yellow race and red race, but the human race and everyone learning to get together. my uncle said that we have to learn to live together as brothers and sisters or we'll perish as fools. >> people need to remember that. i know another thing you've spoken to glenn on this program, the collective rights and individual rights. collective rights and collective salvation is something that president obama talks about all the time. let's watch a few clips one of which you're in and then i want to get your reaction. >> we talk about individual rights. >> that's right. >> god gives us individual rights it's no collective salvation. >> that's right. >> glenn: when people say it's human rights, that's not the same. >> that's right. >> glenn: explain the difference. >> inalienable rights. those who game to america, europe was into collective
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everything, they came to america and these guys said no, it's individuals, you and god and that's why we established a freedom of conscious, not for the group, a quaker can say i'm close to-- oppose to war, we'll let you off. take an oath, affirmation. throughout history because of conscious, that's one-on-one and we did the same thing with freedom of religion. you have the right to practice your religion not only as a group, but as an individual. all the way through it was individuals and what's so cool is it was preachers who did that, those guys who came, i mean, the first constitution we ever have written in the history of the country, 1638, the reverend thomas hooker who said, oh, wait a minute, god gave us the written word so every one of us can go to his word and know exactly what they want. and every one of you can go to the government and know what the contract is. three years later. nathaniel warden the first bill of rights. he said wait a minute, we need a limitation so the government can't get into your individual rights. >> glenn: there's a huge
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difference between collective salvation and individual salvation. individual salvation you can be free and collective salvation, the policies of the government, well, they start to become very, very bad because if you stand against policies of the government and you are the oppressed that is in charge of the government, well, you can excuse all kinds of things. barack obama's view of salvation, here is where it comes from, watch. >> and recognizing that my faith remained tied up with their fates, that my individual salvation is not going to come about without a collective salvation for the country. >> it's because you have an obligation to yourself. because our individual salvation depends on collective salvation. >> glenn: the president has said over and over again in speeches at graduation speeches, on the campaign trail that all of our sal
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evaluation is tied together, which leads you right to reparations and everything else. our salvation is tied together. there is a collective salvation that depends-- that our individual salvation is dependent on the collective salvation. boy, i know i haven't read that in the bible. i know that is-- i mean, that's not at all, anything like what jesus teaches. a, can you explain that? b, that leads to really awful things, does it not? >> it does. it's deception in that say a very generous person invites us all, thousands of us, to a big banquet and you're invited to the banquet, calm, collected, everybody comes. and if we don't sit down individually and sit down and eat our meal, you're not going to eat that meal for me, i must partake of it myself, i went to the banquet, but i
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came away empty. i came away hungry and i'll die because i'll star of because i did not take what had been individually prepared for me. that one meal is mine and that's the way about salvation, it comes from grace, you must sit at the table and must partake. doesn't that lead you-- doesn't just that concept, to understand that concept doesn't that show you that god is a god of merit? >> yes. >> glenn: i mean, he will prepare a banquet for each of us, he's prepared a mansion for each of us, he's given us the opportunity, we all-- we may not be sitting you know, next to the special people or whatever, but we're still at the table, but it requires us to pick up the fork. >> we have to pick up the fork. >> you've got to understand biblically the bible says an all of us will have to stand before god and give an account individually and he'll measure our work as wood, hay or stubble. you will not be able to stand in my stead for me, i have to stand in my stead before him
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and give an account of my life. that's not collectism, that's individual. i think that's lost in our conversation. what we're seeing, glenn, we're seeing an unholy mixture, a strange fire added to the scriptures and it's a marxist idea. we've got to be careful because marxism, socialism, communism, they have one thing in common, they do not believe in god and attempting to create a utopia here on earth that's generated and fostered by mankind and the bible says put no trust in man and they're attempting to achieve it through an eagletainer redistribution of wealth and take from the haves and give to the have notes, that's anti-bible. >> god created each of us in his own i am imagine and likeness and our rights are gifts from gods. so do we have rights as individuals or rights because we belong to a group? >> well, as we belong to
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groups, the whole group can receive value of those rights. but each of us must accept that gift or those rights individually. one good example, for instance, we're in class together and we have to read a book. >> right. >> if i read the book for you, i'm going to comprehend the book and get the a on the test, but you have to read the book as well and you have to comprehend it so we can't-- the whole glass collectively can be sitting there together, but sidly we have to apply. and the same thing, there's a responsibility. >> but we're endowed by our creator as jefferson wrote with inalienable rights and come as a gift through him through our humanity. we don't enjoy the rights because we belong to a group, we enjoy the rights because we're human beings. >> and we have individual responsibility. >> got it. >> in application and accepting of those rights. >> got it. now, i want to move on to something that didn't get much coverage in the media during supreme court justice elena
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kagan's confirmation hearings in june. justice kagen actually admitted she does not have a view as to what natural rights are, as written about by jefferson in the declaration of independence. in the declaration our founders wrote that our rights come from our humanity which is a gift from god. it refers to the laws of nature and nature's god when it says that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. oklahoma city tom coburn asked justice kagen if she believed in god-given rights. take a listen to how she responded. >> senator coburn, to be honest with you, i don't have a view of what are natural rights, independent of the constitution and my job as a justice will be to enforce and defend the constitution and other laws of the united states. >> so you wouldn't embrace what the declaration of independence says that we have certain god-given inalienable
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rights not given in the constitution a that's are ours and the government doesn't give them to us. >> senator coburn, i believe the constitution is an extraordinary document and i'm not saying i do not believe that there are rights pre-existing, that the constitution and the laws, but my job as a justice is to enforce the constitution and the laws. >> well, i understand that. i'm not talking about as a justice, i'm talking elena kagan. what do you believe? are there inalienable rights for us? do you believe that? >> senator coburn, i think that the question of what i believe as to what people's rights are outside the constitution and the laws, that you should not want me to act in any way on the basis of such a belief. if i had one or-- >> i would want you always to act on the basis of what our declaration of independence
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says. >> this is a woman who now has a lifetime aappointment on the united states supreme court and she doesn't necessarily support the declaration of independence. our government exists to protect god-given rights, but the people that run the government today don't believe that. they believe that our rights come from the government. alvita, what do you think of this? do our rights come from god who created us or do our rights come from the government. >> our rights of course come from god and then government should lien up. what's so startling to me, i believe, you know, she had to go to law school, she had to study, she probably took constitutional law and i guess law school 101 would have dealt with natural law and she has no feel for these concepts. that's amazing to me that she's sitting this that high seat of office and has no concept. >> it's the greatest document in american history, one of the greatest documents in the history of the world, the declaration of independence. she just apparently thinks it's jefferson's musings, rather than the law of the land and the document that got
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this great experiment in freedom started. >> and this is no true and it was thought about and pondered over and wrestled with, the founders-- for those who think it was just a group of men in a smoky room. no, they were working and you know, their wives had tremendous influence in their lives and women were involved in the process as well. >> coming up how progressives are trying to recreate the civil rights movement and making a shameful mockery of it while they're at it. back in a moment.
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>> dr. alvita king the niece of dr. martin luther king, jr. is with us today for our crash course on civil rights and the rights of man and now we want to take a look at the mockery some of our leaders recently have been making of the civil rights movement in the name of rights for all. >> these people, these mobs, they're trying to recreate the civil rights thing all over again, health care, banking reform, housing, the presidency, everything. watch, watch this. >> when this body was on the verge of guaranteeing equal civil rights to everyone, regardless of the color of their skin. some senators resorted to the same filibuster that we're here today. >> i believe health care is a civil right. >> the parallels between the
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struggle for civil rights and the fight to make quality affordable health care accessible to all americans are significant. >> this is a-- from the first century. >> this is a civil rights act. >> glenn: now, that was health care, but they're doing it now, it's all civil rights, down in arizona. all of it. why? why? not because it is, not because they believe it, because it worked, worked. but the reason why it worked is it did start at the grass roots level. it was real. these people believed in it. they weren't just trying to grab power, they believed in it. it was true. this is not. these are half truths or out and out lies. but watch, i want you to watch the way they're imaging everything that's happening now, is a civil rights movement. i want to show you two pictures, come on over with me. show you two pictures, and i don't know if it-- i haven't heard anybody else
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say this. put the nancy pelosi picture up here. okay, remember this? okay, this is when they walked through the tea party crowd, remember? and they're linked arm in arm, powerful civil rights marcher, okay? look at them. arrogant, laughing, oh, we're having a great time. mocking the tea party people. that's what it was. now, let me show you what they were recreating. look at that scene, they were recreating this. put them side by side, please. that's what they're trying to recreate. the powerful of an image. but let me turn the tables. look at this face. now, look at this man. look at him. totally different. this woman is mocking and laughing it up. look at this man.
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look at this man, look at this man, this one, this one, they're frightened. look at his face. you don't think he knew he was going to die? you don't think he knew what was at stake? these people had courage. this is a civil rights mockery. it is a mockery of these people. this is why it succeeded. look in his eyes. this is why this will fail. >> dr. king, what do you make of the juxtaposition of the two pictures that glenn just showed? >> well, i believe, if i can go back in history and i lived in the civil rights movement, i marched, i went to jail. i know what my uncle and all of those, my dad and reverend king, and those in that picture, i into you what they stood for and now, when i see speaker pelosi with the
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african-americans gathered around here and they're really trying to tear down the dream, to destroy the american dream of life, liberty and the pursuant of happiness for one family, one human family, i think it's a travesty and i just ask america, i beg america, please, don't be moved by your emotions. when you see a group of people in what appears to be a civil rights effort, look into the history and see what they're really saying. >> next, the african-americans who preceded the civil rights leaders of the 1960's by a century or two.  
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>> i'm patti ann browne, the fire that tore through a neighborhood in san francisco last night after a gas explosion is now fully contained. at least four people are dead. four dozen are hurt and 38 homes are destroyed. today, at his news conference, president obama announced a new chairman of economic advisors, university of chicago professor austan ghouls bereplaces cristina romer and iran was supposed to free one of the three american hikers detained since last july, but it's canceled the release of the detainee saying legal procedures were not complete. for more, bret bare in is moment and previews the special report. >> a contrast, what seems like a definitive statement that president obama made last year to president obama today and
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the chairman of the 9/11 commission warned americans about complacency. join me in 28 minutes for special report. now, back to glenn beck. >> welcome back to the fifth and final installment of glenn beck's crash course program. we're talking about civil rights this hour. and i'm joined by dr. alvita king, niece of dr. martin luther king and pastor associate at priests for life. we want to turn now to some of the black founding fathers who preceded the civil rights leaders of the 1960's. >> for some reason in american history we think that the only time blacks stood up for their rights was when martin luther king decided to leave his pulpit and the stump-- hit the stump to make speeches. the bottom line for the longest time, we've adopted this victim narrative about blacks in the united states. that the only role they played
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was a victim to white majority oppression. when i teach my course on black american politics i always stress to my students when we talked about king and the civil rights movement in 50's and 60's we need to call it the modern civil rights movements because blacks from before the revolution were pressing, prudently, pressing foretheir rights. m american history could be one long civil rights, emancipation proclamation and it's going on now, it's people trying to grab other's rights. that never changes, that's human nature, that's human history. if i asked the audience when did america have its first african-american judge, what year would you say? anybody? take a guess. judge.
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1860's? anybody? anybody? >> 1960. >> 1770. >> glenn: 1770, amy, is that a wild guess. >> no, it's not-- i wasn't sure exactly, but i think it's about. >> glenn: 1770, tell me. >> 1768. chestwell, new hampshire elected to office in new hampshire and elected the next 49 years and held eight political positions and a really cool story about him we all know that paul revere made his midnight ride and we know he wasn't the only guy riding that night. the other guy riding, norman chessle, black and white. >> glenn: how was it possible? did you know that we had an african-american ride to say the british are coming, the british are coming. amy did. anybody else besides amy know that? two, three, okay, three people in the audience. >> he was such a great guy and we never hear about him because he rode north and paul revere road west and revere
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was going after reverend jonas clarks church and that's where hancock and adams were and we had blacks and whites on the ground after that battle and chessle rode north telling the british are coming and from the north that everybody came to boston to take on at bunker hill. we don't hear about the ride the british went west and that's where the action happened, but a couple of days later when caught people started coming down from new hampshire and vermont and that's where he had ridden telling them what was up. >> we talk about the first double spy, richard allen the first founder of black denomination in america, the soldier of the american revolution, the first guy who taught medicine and dr. beng benjamin rush. >> let's take the first representatives. i asked when did we have our first black speaker of the house, when did we have the first speaker of the house. >> 1789. >> glenn: 1789. when did we have our first black speaker of the house, i bet most people say never. >> never, except it was right
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here. joseph hane rainy. joseph hane rainy south carolina the first black in the house of representatives. and you have here hiram, the first black southern elected and he recruited three regiments of black soldiers in the civil war and you have benjamin turner, this guy right here is really cool. robert brown elliott, probably the most brilliant guy of that era. he actually took on the vice-president of the confederacy in a debate on the floor and just tore his head off. and alexander stevens. when did we turn-- were these guys proud americans or did they say we-- >> oh, they-- this is the epitome of what we were just talking about. these were individual guys, half of these guys taught themselves to read. half these guys were slaves and five years later sitting in congress and as slaves it was a capital offense to learn
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to read so these guys in five years, i guarantee you read their speeches in record of congress you better have addictionry and thesaurus because you won't understand the language they use. it was brilliant, unbelievable. >> glenn: were they there to say the white man is bad and america is bad? >> oh, no, these guys-- richard an allen, go back here, richard allen was in slavery and held no bitterness at all. he says, god would not allow bitterness even in joseph when he was in prison. do you think god will allow it in us? he said we can't have bitterness, by the way there were whites that held us in slavery, but it's whites working for our freedom and these guys had no bitterness, they wouldn't allow it. >> glenn: and i want to show, these are just, these are from old newspapers, this one is caesar glover, a colored man supposed to be about 80 years of age, this is a-- obituary. >> obituary. >> glenn: he was brought from africa as a slave when a child. he served in the revolutionary war and is one of the pensioners of the united
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states. what does this tell you? >> several things, that is a list of obituaries, it's not broken out black and white and he's right in with every-- he's just a citizen and they're telling you who has died. didn't matter whether you were black or white or anything else, you're a citizen, but significantly there is the word pensioner. he's a pensioner of the united states. >> glenn: a colored man named henry hill died at chillclothe not long, served in the revolutionary war and participated in the battles of lexington, brandywine, monday dn moult and principleston and yorktown and interned with honors of war. >> not only a pension, but full military funeral as any veteran would get. a military funeral with all the honors that go with being a veteran. >> glenn: a free negro man in the name of thomas hercules on the 6th day of july chosen town clerk of that bureau by decided majority of the votes. this we mention as proof of the growing liberally. >> liberality. >> glenn: liberality of the
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present age when virtue and worth alone and not mere color or tipperry of rank and splendor recommend a man-- >> recommend places of trust and confidence. he got elected because of his worth and abilities, it wasn't because of what color he was or wasn't because of him scheming for office. >> does this not sound like martin luther king? this sounds like martin luther king. >> that's 1792 newspaper. >> glenn: 1792. >> alvita, did you know about the role that the african-americans played in the founding of this nation? >> there's a wonderful group of african-american conservatives who are history buffs so when i have the conversations with them and look back into my history books, you know, i'm looking for this information. and so, because of the wealth of information that now glenn is sharing with the world, i think that people are astounded to enooh find out
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that there were african-american founding fathers and so, i knew it, but i don't think enough people know it. >> wonder why we never learned about that in the public schools. >> yeah. >> up next the parallels between the 1960's and now. and dr. king reads aloud, the pledge her uncle wrote up for the last century, a pledge that many of us should be taking today.
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>> martin luther king's ten point nonviolence pledge in a moment, but first, let's watch acle clip, a short clip of dr. alvita king's answer to a question glenn asked her if she sees any parallels between the 1960's and today. >> there are parallels between the 60's and now. because during the 1960's, people were being slaughtered and their lives taken and there was violence, greed, drugs were rising, just all of this and my uncle was saying, you've got to come back to faith, hope, and love. and you've got the translation, faith hope and charity, faith, hope and love and he got that from his father, daddy king and he got that from his ancestors, so coming forth you've got to love one year you've got to have faith and never lose hope. people are being slaughtered,
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rumors of war, and war, abortion, sickness disease, all of this is going on. greed, america has gone crazy with greed, i really have to say that. so in the midst of all of this, people caring more about themselves than the least of these, than others. the answer is going to be the same you've got to have faith, you've got to continue to hope and not give up on others and the other thing you hate evil, but you don't hate the people who do evil. so hate has to go out the window. >> hate does have to go out the window and so does violence. i want to ask you, dr. king, if you would read a pledge for us again that you once read on the program that you took and signed once, that was written by your uncle for all of his marchers. >> during the days of the civil rights movement, judge, this pledge, that we had to sign when we engaged in the civil rights battle, of the 50's and 60's, and my father, reverend ad king was a part of
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that group. dr. fred shuttlesworth and the leader my uncle dr. martin luther king, jr. so this is a code for a set of ten commandments that we marched by. >> let's hear them. >> meditate daily on the teachings and life of jesus. two, remember always that the nonviolent movement in birmingham seeks justice and reconciliation, not victory. three, walk and talk in the manner of love, for god is love. four, pray daily, to be used by god in order that all men might be free. five, sacrifice personal wishes in order that all people might be free. six, observe with both friend and foe the ordinary rules of courtesy. seven, seek to perform regular service for others and the world. eight, refrain from the violence of fist, tongue or
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heart. nine, strive to be in good spiritual and bodily health. and ten, follow the directions of the movement and of the captain of a demonstration. i sign this pledge, having seriously considered what i do and with the determination and will to persevere. >> how profound, thank you, alvita. still to come, dr. king's special appearance at 8:28. back in a moment.
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>> what are some of the lessons we're taking home tonight? see the mirror on the board. you have the right to be free. you have a right to live your life as you want. you have a right to pursue happiness as you perceive it. progressives, including the president, believe it's the government's role to press americans to make each other happy. >> because our individual salvation depends on collective sal evaluation. because thinking only about yourself, fulfilling your immediate wants and needs betrays a poverty of ambition. >> well, we've learned that the civil rights movement of the '60s has been perverted and distorted. >> the dream was not to put
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one black family in the white house, the dream was to equal and everybody's house. >> we've learned that there's a huge difference between the rights of the individual and collective rights. there's no such thing as collective rights. you have rights as a human, you have rights as an individual. with individual rights, we can be free, but in a society where we are required to live collectively, we cannot be free. we've learned the progressives have been making a mockery of the civil rights movement. totally different. this woman is mocking and laughing it up. look at this man, look at this man, look at this man, this one, this one. they're frightened. look at his face, you don't think he knew he was going to die? you don't think he knew what was at stake? these people had courage. this is a civil rights mockery.
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>> we've learned that there are parallels between the fight for civil rights in the 1960's and the fight for freedom from government oppression today. and we've learned that goals should always be sought after with nonviolence and love for one another. >> remember always that the nonviolent movement in birmingham seeks justice and reconciliation, not victory. three, walk and talk in the manner of love for god is love. >> dr. king's special appearance at the 8-28 restoring honor washington rally next. ñ÷ 
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>> that's it for our crash course. we hope you're all caught up for when glenn returns on monday. i've had so much fun doing this this week and glenn is back on monday. now, if you want to catch more of my show, freedom watch, it's at 10 a.m. on saturdays. on the fox business network. my humblest thanks to our special guest today. dr. alvita king, for joining us. >> it's been great, judge. let freedom ring. >> as we leave you tonight, let's take another look back at some of the inspirational moments of 8-28. from new york, defending freedom, good night america. >> ladies and gentlemen, dr. alvita king. . >> 47 years ago my uncle, dr.
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martin luther king, jr. stood here and proclaimed, i have a dream. i was at home with the younger children when daddy king senior and mama king. we all knew that august 28th would be a very special day. if uncle martin could be here today, he would surely commend us for giving honor where honor is due. he would surely remind us that if brothers and sisters united by one blood, in one single race, the human race, we are called to honor god and to love each other. i, too, have a dream. it is in my genes. i have a dream that one day soon love will transcend skin color and economic status and cause us to turn... i have a
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dream that america will repent of the skin of racism and return to honor. god bless america and let us join together until victory is won. ♪ ♪ ♪ (applause)


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